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Minimize Risk, Maximize Development Potential

Speed-up Development Decisions

ArtifexAI: 10x faster due diligence process

Site Due Diligence

ArtifexAI's site due diligence reports offer a comprehensive, data-driven overview of potential development sites, allowing you to make informed decisions with confidence and speed. We are able to combine data from numerous sources, including public records, local government databases, and real-time community inputs, to provide a 360-degree view of each site's potential and challenges.

ArtifexAI analyzes this vast amount of data, we deliver insights on zoning, environmental factors, infrastructure capacity, market conditions, and community context that take 90% less time than traditional methods.

Local Risk Mitigation

Navigate the complexities of local sentiment and regulations with ArtifexAI's comprehensive insights. Our platform analyzes discussions from municipal meetings, planning boards, and community forums, providing you with a nuanced understanding of the local landscape. By synthesizing this wealth of information, ArtifexAI helps you identify potential challenges and opportunities early in the development process.

Whether you're planning a large-scale urban renewal project or a neighborhood green space, ArtifexAI equips you with the knowledge to create developments that align with both community aspirations and sustainability goals. Our tool doesn't just help you avoid pitfalls; it enables you to craft projects that genuinely enhance urban environments.

Environmental Risk


Environmental risks not only have the potential to stop a project in its tracks but also can cause heavy fines and introduce liability. These risk often go unseen and come to light only through rigorous environmental testing or after an issue occurs.


ArtifexAI mitigates these risks by giving you detailed environmental insights before you even break ground. Our AI ingests millions of data-points ranging from DEP records, historical engineering reports, and scientific studies, to real-time monitoring of local environmental meetings. The result? A full picture of environmental risks down to the parcel level.

AI to optimize all development

Reduce risk across development verticals

Whether you are constructing a 50 unit apartment building in Boston or a solar farm in Tanzania, ArtifexAI provides personalized risk reports to ensure your projects success.

Commercial Real Estate

Residential Housing

Project Planning

Civil Engineering

Public Utilities





Renewable Energy

Who We Are

About ArtifexAI


ArtifexAI is an advanced urban intelligence platform that revolutionizes site due diligence for the built world. We believe that navigating today's rapidly evolving regulatory and environmental challenges requires data-driven solutions. By analyzing millions of public documents and real-time local meetings, we provide comprehensive insights that transform months of research into actionable intelligence within hours. Our mission is to drive smarter, more sustainable urban development by turning data into project success.

We are proud to have been featured at

Property Developer, MA

"It takes me 240 hours to do site due diligence per project. ArtifexAI can speed this process up by 10x allowing me to diversify my portfolio"

Green Energy Startup, MIT

"Artie generated in
10 seconds what a
consultant charged
$10K for."

Environmental Group, MA

“Artifex helped us by serving as a de facto law clerk so that
when we argued...we had the facts on our
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